
Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Little Bit About Myself

Hi. My name is Mike Towers. I wanted to share a little bit about myself with you. Some of these are quirky, some not, but hopefully they will shed some light on how much of an average guy I am.
1. I have been married to a wonderful lady since 2002. We met in 1997 when we both visited the same college during a "College Days" event where high schoolers can check out potential college choices. We both ended up NOT going to that college. After 3 days, I didn't see her again for 2 and a half years! We started officially dating 6 months later, got engaged 14 months later, got married 15 months after that, and now have been married (at time of this writing) 11 years, 7 months. Woah! I guess she's a keeper!
2. I am the father of four, count 'em, FOUR girls. If I ever wrote an autobiography, I've considered giving it the title, "Where Do Boys Come From?"
3. I'm a big guy. I have been for most of my life. I am currently working on losing weight. If you don't mind, I'll share that journey in this blog too. I am focusing on doing two things: the "ketogenic diet" (or "keto") and heavy lifting. These two have worked very well for me so far, and I hope it will continue to go well for me!
4. After my 7 first years in TX, I have lived in California for my entire life (until June 2012). From the Bay Area down to Bakersfield, up to the Silicon Valley and back to Bakersfield. In June 2012 my family and I moved to Upstate NY.
5. My faith is a big part of my life. My family and I feel led to start a new church in the area of Albany, NY. That and to be closer to my wife's family is what brought us out here.
6. I spray paint my beard green for St. Patrick's day. I did it in 2012 as a joke and again in 2013. I think I'll keep it an annual tradition.
7. My favorite TV shows are: The Walking Dead, NCIS, Duck Dynasty and Storage Wars.
8. I have been in Real Estate since 2006. I have done "decent" and enjoy the job very much.
9. I hope to be successful that will allow me to eliminate my debt, provide for my family and allow me to help and minister to others.
10. My dad passed away in 2000 from lung cancer brought about by a lifetime of smoking. He didn't get to meet any of his 6 grandkids or either of his sons get married. Hey, you, don't smoke.
11. I enjoy success / business books and religious books.
12. I am a big UFC fan. I used to host parties to watch UFC events at my home in CA. In NY it's too late to do that, but I still watch and follow the sport. No, I'm not planning on competing!
13. I joined the Empower Network because it is something I can believe in, it is inspiring to me, and makes me believe that I can succeed at doing this. I mean, "WHAT IF?"

Why Michael Jordan Succeeded

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
-Michael Jordan

Have you ever failed at something? Good. Welcome to the club. Now, try again. Start with this.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Winning Is A Habit

"Losing is a habit. So is winning. Now let's work on permanently instilling winning habits into your life. Eliminate sabotaging habits and instill the needed positibe habits, and you can take your life in any direction you desire, to the heights of your greatest imagination."

-Darren Hardy, "The Compound Effect"

Are you ready to begin the habit of winning?
If you are, click here ---> FOR WINNERS ONLY

2 Salesmen On An Island

2 shoe salesmen are dropped on different sides of a large island inhabited by a community of people. They both arrive with a large supply of shoes ready to sell.

The first salesman walks to the town, and to his dismay, notices that everyone is barefoot! No one, whether young or old, is wearing a shoe. No sneakers, no boots, no slippers, nothing. In a panic, he calls his company. "Cancel the shipments! Send all the shoes back, come pick me up! No one wears shoes here, this is a waste of time!"

The second salesman also walks to the town, and notices the very same thing. Everyone is barefoot. No one is wearing anything on their feet. Impatiently, he too calls his company. "Tell production to hire more workers! Put everyone on overtime and make more shoes! I need you to send me a triple shipment! Keep it coming! No one wears shoes here, this is such an opportunity!"

So, what do you see, a waste of time, or an opportunity?

I challenge you to see the opportunity! Invest $25 into your future today!


You Have To Fall In Love With...

You have to fall in love with the process of becoming great.

-Blake Griffin
Red Bull Commercial